Fwd: RFS: Scenic 0.6.0 - Telepresence software for live performances and installations

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Jun 4 14:37:28 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 12:13:11PM -0400, Alexandre Quessy wrote:

>2010/6/3 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>:
>> Some additional packaging comments:
>> The project includes python code.  We must then follow to Debian 
>> Python Policy!
>> Since the Python code apparently is all handled with GNU autotools I 
>> recommend to include python-autotools.mk (instead of autotools.mk), 
>> add the needed hints to debian/control, and create debian/control.in 
>> to help track CDBS-related build-dependencies.
>I must confess that my computers are running Ubuntu Lucid ! I guess I 
>could use git-pbuilder with DIST=sid. I am shopping for a nice 
>virtualization tool to create a sid environment...
>The problem is that python-autotools.mk is not provided by cdbs on 
>Ubuntu Lucid right now. Maybe I could compile and install it from the 

When packaging for Debian, you really should be using Debian unstable, 
as that is the environment that your packaging is aimed at.

No, I do not recommend that you backport the specific pieces needed to 
satisfy build-dependencies, as you then do not know if you are 
triggering some strange hidden bug in your particular combination of 
packages from then different sources!  Ubuntu Lucid is tested against 
Ubuntu Lucid, and Debian Sid is tested against Debian Sid.  Feel free to 
mix'n'match all you like SOMEWHERE ELSE, but make sure to use a standard 
system for building packages!

You might be interested in the scripts that I personally use to 
bootstrap build environments.  I use same routines also for backporting, 
and would expect it to work just as well on Ubuntu.  If interested then 
here's a minimal howto:

   # cd /usr/local
   # mv bin bin.off
   # git clone git://source.jones.dk/bin
   $ localcowbuilder-create sid
   $ cd $pkg
   $ localcowdebuild sid

Possibly it's a too minimal HOWTO - try look at the shell code itself - 
and just ignore all those scripts that are not related to package 
compilation :-)

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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