Fwd: RFS: Scenic 0.6.0 - Telepresence software for live performances and installations
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Fri Jun 4 22:41:32 UTC 2010
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:57:40PM -0400, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
>Hello Jonas,
>So I have set up a Debian sid box. That will help. :)
>2010/6/4 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>:
>> On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 11:59:18AM -0400, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
>>> Done. I will have to add your license to the copyright of some of
>>> the Debian packaging.
>> What I do is maintain packaging licensing in debian/rules. And I
>> (ideally, when not too lazy) do not add licensing info of others but
>> instead request them to add it themselves. ;-)
>Oops! I added your name to debian/copyright. Please edit it or remove
>it if it's not the way you like.
No problem. I only tried to aim at a best practice. :-)
>>>> It does seem, however, from a quick glance, that some parts of the
>>>> project is not arch-limited. It might be a good idea to split
>>>> packaging to provide most possible to all archs.
>>> That would be nice, but it's probably going to be difficult. The
>>> jack-info, dc-ctl and midistream utilities could be packages
>>> separately, and should be useful for the multimedia-loving masses.
>>> Since scenic relies on milhouse, they could be packaged together.
>>> Again, I am a close-to-beginner in packaging, so I am not sure where
>>> to start, especially that the current build process is unified and
>>> using a single autotools configure.ac script. It would imply
>>> splitting it upstream, no?
>> Packaging typically goes like this:
>> 1. Prepare
>> 2. configure
>> 3. build
>> 4. install
>> 5. reinstall into package area
>> 6. tune packaging
>> Here, steps 2-4 is done by autotools, and 5-6 is done by debhelper.
>> So splitting into multiple packages is (more or less) a simple matter
>> of adding more binary packages in debian/control and hinting in
>> debian/*.install which autotools-installed parts each of them should
>> contain.
>Ok, so in this case, let's say we brake it into 3 packages:
> * scenic (contains the Python app, the documentation, the glade data,
> and the icon, etc.)
> * scenic-utils (dc-ctl, firereset, jack-info and milhouse
> executables. Man pages and some shared libraries)
> * midistream (python app and man page)
>The easiest way would be to create 3 *.install files. The quick
>benefit to this, is that we will have a few packages that are
>architecture-independant, namely the two Python-only binary packages:
>scenic and midistream. That totally makes sense.
Yes, that seems sensible (from reading it alone - I must admit that I
have not yet tried compiling the project and looking at the results).
>I am looking for an example of doing this... (which uses cdbs and the
>autotools, if possible) Got any?
That one also demonstrates quite well IMO how a large amount of package
dependencies are easier to track indirectly declared in debian/rules, as
they they can be grouped and comments added as needed.
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
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