xbmc - libcdio patch

Sasa Davidovic Sasa.Davidovic at CARNet.hr
Thu Jun 10 16:52:42 UTC 2010


I tested official XBMC installation instructions as written on 
http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBMCbuntu with latest ubuntu distro
and xbmc packets from ppa repository.

It seems that xbmc 1:9.11-lucid2 has same problem like xbmc from 
debian-multimedia repository had some time ago. Problem was corrected 
with same patch which I'm sending to You.

Would you please consider to include this patch in current XBMC packet 
(9.11-lucid2) which will fix bug/problem when xbmc tries to use CD/DVD unit.

According to the developers, that problem is solved in resent SVN 
version, but until then...  :)

Well to be short, whole problem is discussed in following thread:

There is a patch on that same page, and I only adapted it to apply 
cleanly to xbmc source.

Packets are tested on ubuntu lucid amd64 and they are working like 

THX in advance.

Best regards,

Sasa Davidovic

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