Bug#586171: respect $TERM and/or provide --no-color

jidanni at jidanni.org jidanni at jidanni.org
Thu Jun 17 13:04:36 UTC 2010

>>>>> "RT" == Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de> writes:

RT> $ rmadison -u qa ffmpeg
All I know is I just did aptitude install ffmpeg.

>> Also it is wrong to assume all TERMs can deal with color.
>> Also it is wrong not to document that NO_COLOR environment variable.

RT> If you want to propose a specific patch, please post it to
RT> ffmpeg-devel at mplayerhq.hu to get it reviewed.

I'm CCing them to remind them to mention what they do with TERM and
NO_COLOR on the ffmpeg man page. Thanks.

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