Dear Friend

David Dajuma daviddajuma at
Sat May 1 13:51:05 UTC 2010

I am Mr David Dajuma the Auditor Foreign Remittance Unit,in the  Bank of Africa.I am writing to request your assistance to Transfer the sum of ($4.2million) into your Account.The above sum belongs to our Deceased Customer who died in a Plane Crash in the year 2000.

I want you to stand as the next of kin so that our Bank will accord you the recognition and have the Fund Transfered into your Account.The total sum will be shared as follows: 55% for me, 45% for you. you are going to follow my instructions till the Fund is transfered to your Account. More Detailed information will be forwarded to you. reply to (daviddajuma at
David Dajuma

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