Re: add pristine-tar

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at
Tue May 25 22:02:59 UTC 2010

> Od: Felipe Sateler <fsateler at>

RT> > The last consensus was that yes, under the condition that the clean
RT> > target of debian rules restores the working copy to a state that is
RT> > ready for git diff/commit operations. Most commongly this means to
RT> > unpatch in the clean target.

RT> > The intend behind this is to have the same workflow for both Format 1.0
RT> > and 3.0 packages.

FS> Be careful to only unapply patches when in a git repository! Otherwise
FS> you will get misterious FTBFS in the buildds.

FS> Also, you need to apply them in the build rule (again, only if in the
FS> git repository).

So if I understand well something like this should be in short dh 7 rules file:

or something more should be done?



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