new Pd packages looking for sponsors

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Wed Nov 10 10:55:55 UTC 2010

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 09:21:17 (CET), IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> On 2010-11-09 22:51, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>>> pd-pan
>> Please update the changelog when updating the package. The timestamp
>> helps people tell when was the last time someone worked on a package.
>> Also the long description is too short
> hmm, this confuses me a bit.
> i thought that the changelog should not be touched until the upload, and
> only the person uploading would then run git-dch to regenerate the
> changelog from the commit-messages (and eventually cleanup).

You can greatly help the person reviewing the upload by running git-dch
at the point where you think the package is ready for upload, i.e., you
think the package is in a state that you would have uploaded yourself
if you had upload priviledges.

Of course the actual upload might want to do some additional changes or
spots mistakes. In that case he has to update the changelog in a
seperate commit, but that's not really a problem.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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