Packaging 'stretchplayer'
Reinhard Tartler
siretart at
Sun Nov 28 18:23:34 UTC 2010
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 18:44:42 (CET), Arnout Engelen wrote:
> Hi,
> I started on packaging stretchplayer (ITP 605256) - which was fairly easy
> because upstream (Gabriel M. Beddingfield) already had an ubuntu package
> ready.
> I now have the lintian list down to:
> Now running lintian...
> W: stretchplayer source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
> W: stretchplayer source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.503-0
> E: stretchplayer source: debian-revision-should-not-be-zero 0.503-0
> W: stretchplayer source: timewarp-standards-version (2010-07-18 < 2010-07-26)
> E: stretchplayer: debian-revision-should-not-be-zero 0.503-0
> E: stretchplayer-dbg: debian-revision-should-not-be-zero 0.503-0
> These are all due problems in the debian/changelog file, right?
Yes. Set as version 0.503-1 instead of 0.503-0. And it seems you forgot
to update the Maintainers and Uploaders field; you should set yourself
to uploaders with exactly the same email address as you used in
> And debian/changelog should be generated by git_dch? How does this
> work?
Try 'git-dch -s <tag of the last ubuntu import>'
you can get a list of tags with 'git tag -l'
Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
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