Debian Multimedia Blend (Was: Defining interesting multimedia tasks)

Andreas Tille andreas at
Thu Oct 21 21:20:29 UTC 2010

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:12:47PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> > Bugreports have been mentioned as an example of inappropriate mails for such
> > list, right? So what is then on-topic?  Is it for visions and metadesign -
> > like a multimedia-specific d-project@ ?  Or is it more of a
> > d-user-multimedia@ list?
> I would think of it more of a d-user-multimedia type of list than d-project.

In Debian Med we have such a list which is open for user problems.  It
is a good idea to involve users into discussion about tasks layout.
Also the list is a good entry point for future developers who are just
seeking a first contact.  The main issue is to form a community around
the multimedia topic inside Debian.  Sometimes you can not predict what
mails such a list might see.
> > When we (apparently) lack the time already to do the technical work we would
> > like to, then where should the ressources come from to manage and care for
> > such a list?  Or do we simply provide the space and leave the Multimedia
> > users to discuss with themselves?
> I would try to chip in when possible (it is much easier to answer a
> quick email than actually do work :p). But I would expect that, if
> there are multimedia users out there, soon they will start helping
> each other there.


Kind regards



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