Bug#620484: important lack of reactivity in the audacious display

John Lindgren john.lindgren at tds.net
Fri Apr 15 15:04:11 UTC 2011

> Hello,
> I have  a playlist of 200 mp3, it is terribly slow. Other player such as kaffeien can handle it , and one can select the mp3 and scroll through the playlist.
> How is it possible that it is so un-useable with lot of files since other player can do it.... ?
> Best regards
> Audacious Rocks !!
> Sincerely,
> Y.
Thanks for your report, but you need to give more details.  What exactly 
is slow, and what action triggers this slowness?  Which interface are 
you using?  Is the CPU busy during the slowness, or is the hard drive, 
or both?

-- John

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