[SCM] mp4v2/master: debian/control: update of Uploaders field

Matteo F. Vescovi m.vescovi at revese.it
Wed Aug 10 09:53:01 UTC 2011

On 10/08/2011 11:46, Alessio Treglia wrote:
> Did Fabian agree with this change? Why didn't you simply add your name
> to that field?

--- Long mail following ---

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: mp4v2 library in Debian
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:16:59 +0200
From: Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com>
To: Matteo F. Vescovi <m.vescovi at revese.it>

Hi Matteo,

Am 09.08.2011 17:38, schrieb Matteo F. Vescovi:
 > I'm writing you to know if you're still interested in mp4v2 packaging.
 > I've seen that your latest git commit against mp4v2 was in August
 > 2010, almost a year ago.

Yes, I have prepared the package back then mostly to kill some free
time and to use it for the faac encoder. But since the latter is
DFSG-nonfree and I see no chance for it to enter the Debian archive in
the near future, I've lost my interest in it.

 > Because of users request, I'd like to provide a plugin for this
 > library to allow mp4 support on Apple toys.

That's certainly a good idea. However, I do not own any Apple product
myself (which I am proud of), so I won't be among the actual users of
this package.

 > I've been added as a member of Debian Multimedia Maintainers and asked
 > the team to let me contribute to the mp4v2 library packaging.
 > I'm going to manage the license issue in some ways, so I'd like to

"Managing the license" is going to be interesting. I believe, with its
current license, you cannot link the library against *anything* that
is GPL'd, i.e. 99% of the software that comes into consideration.
Therefore, I see dlopen()ing the library as the only chance for other
programs to make use of it. The -dev package should thus IMHO drop the
static library and ship only the headers (the -dbg package should also
get dropped, BTW).

 > know if I can still consider you a contributor (and Uploader) or not.

I have currently removed myself as an uploader for packages that I do
not actually use myself. mp4v2 will be just one of those. So, sorry,
but no, I am not coming into consideration as an uploader. However, as
long as the package is team-maintained, I might have a look at it
occationally and try to help out here and there. I also do this for
other packages in this team every now and then.

 > Thanks in advance for your kind reply.

Thank you!


--- End of Long mail ---

Ing. Matteo F. Vescovi

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