Unable to install ffmpeg

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Tue Aug 16 05:54:29 UTC 2011


Am 16.08.2011 01:38, schrieb Amandeep Singh:
> I have 64 bit debian installed on my lenovo T400. I installed kino,
> video editing tool. It complained, that I didn't have ffmpeg
> installed. I tried installing it using apt-get install ffmpeg command.
> But I got following error.

This is not a proper bug report. Please use "reportbug ffmpeg" next 
time. We do not even know which version of Debian you have installed...

> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   ffmpeg : Depends: libavdevice52 (>= 4:0.5.1-1) but it is not going
> to be installed or
>                     libavdevice-extra-52 (>= 4:0.5.1-1) but it is not
> installable
>            Depends: libavfilter0 (>= 4:0.5.1-1) but it is not going to
> be installed or
>                     libavfilter-extra-0 (>= 4:0.5.1-1) but it is not
> installable
> E: Broken packages

Try running "apt-get update" and then install again.

  - Fabian

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