Fwd: mplayer2 is a very poor fork name used to confuse users.
Matteo F. Vescovi
m.vescovi at revese.it
Fri Aug 19 08:50:33 UTC 2011
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: mplayer2 is a very poor fork name used to confuse users.
> mplayer2 is a very poor fork name used to confuse users.
> it doesnt help that debian is using that name as a package:
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mplayer/news/20110817T173341Z.html
Sorry for the silly question: ain' the "2:" part only for the epoch and
not for the version, which is correctly 1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn33713 plus the
debian revision (-1)?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I've read it this way.
Ing. Matteo F. Vescovi
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