Bug#612960: closed by Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at chewa.net> (Re: Bug#612960: vlc: video failure on DVD and .iso playback)

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Sun Feb 13 21:31:52 UTC 2011

Le Sun 13 Feb 11 à 14:32 -0600, Wallace C. Olson Jr. a écrit :
> Okay, I can and have removed libavcodec51.  Nothing else is possible because of the Debian Squeeze dependencies.
> VLC depends: vlc-nox
> and	vlc-nox depends: libavcodec52, libavformat52, libavutil49
> and		          libavcodec52 depends: libavutil50
> so I'm stuck in a loop with both util49 + util50; and codec52 and format52 are required.

It's not what I said. I didn't ask you to un-install libavcodec, util,

I asked to not used packages from some un-official repo (looking like
debian-multimedia.org) and to use the official repo. The easiest way to
do that might be to uninstall libavcodec, vlc and co; fix your
/etc/apt/sources.list and then reinstall vlc.


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