SHELL 2011.

Mon Jan 10 14:23:19 UTC 2011

The Shell United Kingdom is proud to congratulate you on your success as a winner of the Shell Oil Star Prize in this year's 2011 Oil Star Promotion that was conducted over the internet with our automated email selecting machine. Your E-mail address emerged as one of the Hundred (100) lucky Email Addresses selected as won in the yearly Promotion (2010).  
You have been declared the proud winner of $500,000.00. (Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) 
Forward the following information below to our Payment Manager:

Full Name, ------------------------- ---------------------------- 
Address, ---------------------- ------------------------------ --
Country, ---------------------- ------------------------------ --- 
Age, -------------------------- ------------------------------ ---- 
Sex, -------------------------- ------------------------------ ----- 
Occupation, --------------------------- -----------------------
Tel/Fax Number------------------------ ----------------------
Ticket number:       644 79543465 B448056490902 
Serial number:        4708-325 
File Ref.                   ILP/HW 7509/09 

How to claim your winning prize:   
To receive your claim, contact the Payment Manager:

Attorney Steve David Benton 
Tel + 44 -7624-1900-39
E-mail: pcentre010 at

Shell Oil Star Promotion team congratulates you once again on your winning.
Yours Faithfully, 
Mrs. Christine P. Wesh 
Publicity Manager

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