Adoptiong ecasound

Alessandro Ghedini al3xbio at
Thu Jan 20 19:53:45 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 07:59:38PM +0100, Alessandro Ghedini wrote:
> I've just adopted the bug #520271 (RFA: ecasound2.2), I think it is a good
> candidate to get maintained by the Multimedia Team. 
> The main problem I see is that the source package is named 'ecasound2.2' 
> even if the current version is 2.7.0 (2.7.2 if you consider upstream). 
> From the README.Debian:
>      ecasound2.2 release was a major change from 2.0 series; 
>      and that was the reason for ecasound2.2 package name; we had two
>      versions to coexist.
>      For transition purposes Debian source package name still retains 
>      the ecasound2.2 name.
> I think this may lead to confusion and renaming the source package to just 
> 'ecasound' would make things cleaner and clearer. AFAIK a solution would be 
> to upload the new 'ecasound' and ask for removal for the 'ecasound2.2'. 
> Is this right?
> Also, there are a lot of problems with the packaging (e.g. 24 lintian
> warnings, "ancient" packaging and a lot of mess with the generated binary
> packages) that would probably make easier to re-start packaging from
> scratch (this would be made easier by replacing 'ecasound2.2' with
> 'ecasound', see above). What do you think?
> Cheers
> P.S. If anyone is interested in helping with this, I'll push everything
> to git as soon as I finish initial clean-up.

I think something went bad sending this email. From the web archive of the
mailing list [0] it seems cut in a half.

Anyway, see above for the complete message if you didn't get it.



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