Bits from the Debian Multimedia Team [RELOADED]

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Fri Jan 28 09:26:16 UTC 2011

Am 27.01.2011 22:53, schrieb Romain Beauxis:
> Indeed..
> Sorry for the lame (haha) question but I did not follow why lame would be
> accepted now and was not before.. ?

My reasons are pragmatic, altough I know it's not that easy. ;)
1) LAME is entirely free software.
2) LAME is an open implementation of an ISO/IEC standard.
3) The patents that LAME probably touches do also cover the decoding 
process, so if we lock out LAME, we should also lock out libmad and 
mpg123. Since we do not do the latter, we also should not do the 
former, it's a question of consistence. ;) [Fedora, FWIW, locks out 
encoders as well as decoders.]

  - Fabian

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