Urgent Attention Please.

Jonathan Tiesso its1022 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 21 13:54:04 UTC 2011

Re: Urgent Attention Please.
Dear Sir, 
I want you to know that this is a very serious issue and requires urgent attention I am Jonathan Tiesso My father  was one of President Gbagbo’s personal Assistants. I am contacting you for an assistance to claim the sum of $10 million dollars in a private save keeping firm in Europe. The above sum in question happens to be the last amount given to my father to pay into his personal account in Europe. According to my father, he did not make the payment direct instead he deposited the funds with a private save keeping firm in Europe. 
My Purpose of contacting you is that my father  was arrested alongside with the incumbent president on the 11 April and his entire asset has been freeze. He has told me to look for someone to assist me claim the funds. I need your help as I want the ownership of the funds to be changed in your favor for safety and security reasons. I want to present you to the company where the save that contains the funds are in Europe for you to proceed with the claiming and securing the funds in your country. I am ready to offer you 30% of the money to this operation to make sure I did not lose these funds because this is the only thing left for me and luckily the current government does not know about the funds.
If you can be able to handle this, please get back to me immediately for more information and contacts of the company in Europe for you to proceed immediately.
I will give you my secure cell number when you reply.
I am waiting for your urgent response. 
Jonathan Tiesso 
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