launchpad builders, was: request sponsor/upload for pd-pdstring

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Mon Oct 3 07:44:25 UTC 2011

On Mo, Okt 03, 2011 at 08:56:00 (CEST), Roman Haefeli wrote:

> On Sun, 2011-10-02 at 12:16 -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I find that Launchpad is a good place to test new packages.  
> Can you also use it to test against Debian releases? If yes, how?

No, launchpad builds in ubuntu chroots only.

>> I think  
>> you have a launchpad account already, so it should be easy.  I always  
>> upload my packages to my launchpad before submitting them for upload  
>> to Debian.  So far, I haven't remembered how to use cowbuilder or  
>> pbuilder... an uploading to launchpad has stuck.
> (Am I right in thinking that also uses pbuilder?)

No, launchpad uses the same software as used on the debian buildds:
sbuild (although it may be patched a bit differently)

> Thanks for the tip. I'm actually using pbuilder-dist from the
> ubuntu-dev-tools packages which is also available in Debian.
> It's a wrapper around pbuilder that allows for easy deployments of
> different Ubuntu and Debian distros. 

TBH, I've found that sbuild/schroot (with aufs overlays) are a bit
easier to setup than pbuilder-dist, but of course YMMV.


Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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