[SCM] crtmpserver/master: Split package to 4 parts

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Mon Oct 3 11:25:31 UTC 2011

On Mo, Okt 03, 2011 at 11:29:40 (CEST), Andriy Beregovenko wrote:

> Hi Reinhard,
> Yeah, I see. Thanks alot.
> So there are question:
> Right not script get-orig-source is not actual, and do not make effective
> result.

Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Comments explaining this situation would
have helped me a lot, please make sure to add such comments in future.

> To "import" my version of script(which I actually use for import sources)
> I need to know next: what must be result of script execution ?
> "Fresh" source tree? "Fresh" source repacked tree ? With debian directory ?
> As tar(.gz) archive ?

That's indeed an interesting question and AFAIUI not entierly agreed on
among Maintainers. Debian Policy §4.9 says this:

,----[ get-orig-source (optional)
| This target fetches the most recent version of the original source
| package from a canonical archive site (via FTP or WWW, for example),
| does any necessary rearrangement to turn it into the original source tar
| file format described below, and leaves it in the current directory.
| This target may be invoked in any directory, and should take care to
| clean up any temporary files it may have left.
| This target is optional, but providing it if possible is a good idea.

I think this has been discussed on debian-devel to death, but here are
my personal opinions on this (YMMV, on each point):

 * the target should fetch the version of the orig.tar.gz that most
   recent for the current packaging. This may or may not be the latest
   upstream version

 * the target should apply any necessary modifications that are
   necessary to make the tarball suitable for upload. This includes
   removing files that are not redistributable. Many refer to this as
   the 'repacked tarball'.

 * the resulting tarball should not contain any debian/ subdirectory

 * the result should be placed in ../$packagename_$version.orig.tar.gz
   (or bz2, if you prefer)

 * for fetching the *most recent* upstream tarball, uscan seems a better
   means to me.

> If this is described in some place, please point me the there.
> Also package not complete yet so there was no need to remove the binary
> package crtmpserver(from control) :) I'll finish this package for a few
> days.

Okay, can you in this case please use as upload target 'UNRELEASED'
instead of 'unstable' in debian/changelog? This will make the package
disappear from http://pet.debian.net/pkg-multimedia/pet.cgi, where
crtmpserver is currently in the 'ready to upload' section.

> Also there is old question: in which way I can "release" "old" version with
> incremented minor version, if my "master" git-branch goes forward from old
> version? Make git brach and point tag to it ?

Yes, create a new branch in the repository. I've just done so to fix the
RC bug and will upload it RSN to unstable.


Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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