Bug#640673: rosegarden: [i18n] Error in german translation

Mario Lang mlang at tugraz.at
Tue Sep 6 12:49:28 UTC 2011

Package: rosegarden
Version: 1:11.06-1
Tag: patch
Severity: minor

in data/locale/de.ts there is a translation error: Fifths is being
translated as "Fünftel".  Whats really ment here is "Quinten", which is
a musical interval of 7 chromatic steps.

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      Mario Lang

Graz University of Technology        mailto:mlang at TUGraz.at
Department Computing               http://www.ZID.TUGraz.at/lang/
Phone: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 6897
  /_Apparently a teacher has been arrested in the UK in possession_/
 /of a compass, protractor, and straight edge. It is claimed he is a/
/member of the Al Gebra movement, bearing weapons of math instruction/

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