Bug#641992: Bug #641992: How dvbcut should work

Klaumi Klingsporn klaumikli at gmx.de
Sun Sep 18 14:47:44 UTC 2011


only to give you an imagination how dvbcut can and should work (and
to get something I can work with) I just built an Debian package of svn
178 (version 0.6.2-alpha). It is built against libav0.7 (using the
patch from the official package) and libqt3-mt and works fine. The
only problem that remains is that the file-open-dialogue doesn't
recognize kaffeines m2t-files (recorded mpeg-transport-streams) as known
movie-file-types, which I can live with.

You can find source- and binary-packages at:


(Sorry it's no quilt-package, I attached the patch manually ;-) )

Hopefully that in near future the official debian package becomes
usefull as well.


Klaus-M. Klingsporn            
klaumikli at gmx.de

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