libav strict internal shlibs dependencies

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Fri Apr 6 06:30:22 UTC 2012

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 3:59 AM, Andres Mejia <amejia004 at> wrote:
> I see the strict internal dependencies was added long ago. [1] Is this
> something that is still needed? I imagine each of the libraries don't
> need these strict dependencies with one another anymore, and if it
> still does, it should be bug. libpostproc will soon be it's own
> package. Any thoughts on these strict shlib dependencies removal?
> 1.;a=commitdiff;h=a1229f8ace3f5cf129685b26d9ef212637caa3b9;hp=b5c2d2d409e03c239ba1df50247516f73eff3669

They have been introduced because the  libav* libraries do use a
number of internal APIs that are not supposed by external
applications. This means that within a point release, some library may
introduce or relocate internal symbols so that mixing them would
potentially break of not all binary packages come from the same source

I think we should keep them. However, I see room for simplification.
Since libav-extra is now built from the same source package, we no
longer need ranges, but can declare strict dependencies on the exact
version. I think the following should do:

  dh_makeshlibs -p"$$pkg" -V"$$pkg (= $${binary:Version}) | $$upkg (=

Regarding libpostproc, AFAIUI libpostproc does not make use of
internal APIs, so strictly speaking, the tight internal dependencies
are not necessary.


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