Bug#697026: swami: please re-upload built against GLib 2.32

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sun Dec 30 23:42:57 UTC 2012

A simple rebuild (no source changes) on amd64 results in a swami GUI
executable that runs, but I have no idea how to test it, or indeed make
it do anything at all.

It appears to default to trying to exec jackd (which is only suggested,
and that only indirectly) and output via that; with the output backend
set to either alsa, jack, pulseaudio or oss (using pasuspender in the
case of oss), clicking on keys on the piano keyboard doesn't produce any
sound. I suspect my sound card (Intel HDA on Lenovo X220) doesn't
actually have any MIDI support; if that's the case, and hardware MIDI
support is required, then I won't be able to NMU this package.


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