Bug#641701: A patch for ffaudio with audacious 3.2

Cyril Lavier cyril.lavier at davromaniak.eu
Sat Jan 28 21:32:02 UTC 2012

On 01/28/2012 07:51 PM, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> On Sa, Jan 28, 2012 at 18:41:06 (CET), Cyril Lavier wrote:
> [...]
>> Hi.
>> I didn't choose anything, I just took the patch which Andrei did, just
>> rewrote it and applied it to the sources. But I agree with your comment,
>> as I don't know why he chose those particular version.
> I see. Can you ask him to clarify? I guess that clarification is best
> documented by a source-code comment.
I just asked him, let's wait until he answers.
>> I will work on reducing these requirements for easing the making of a
>> squeeze-backport (as I'm the backporter, I won't have to work twice on
>> the patch).
> Since libav 0.7 (and soon 0.8) is available in squeeze-backports, I
> wouldn't spend too much time on that. Just build against libav in
> squeeze-backports and be done with that.
You are right.

I just made a quick build of audacious and audacious-plugins on a 
squeeze-backports pbuilder, and the only issues I had are with others 
libs (libbs2b-dev for audacious-plugins, libguess-dev and 
libuchardet-dev for audacious which are not available in stable). The 
build went well.

I just tested the packages on a Squeeze laptop, and he plays wma files 
like a charm, so it confirms the well done build :).

>>>> I completely understand that upgrading the needed libs is quite risky
>>>> and won't be done in the next days/weeks without risking to break a lot
>>>> of packages.
>>> What libraries would require updates? Currently, we do ship up-to-date
>>> packages.
>> Sorry, I completely messed this paragraph, I was writing 2 mails at the
>> same time and my colleagues might think I'm crazy now, after talking
>> about audacious in a corporate mail about an off-hours product update
>> which turned bad :/.
> no problem :-)
>>>> So I would like to know what do you think about this patch, if this can
>>>> be a good solution, and then I will perform the needed changes and push
>>>> it to the git repo or if you think it's not a good solution, we won't
>>>> have the plugin working for now.
>>> The configure part can be dropped if you run the autofoo toolchain on
>>> the buildds (cf. dh-autoreconf or similar).
>> Thanks for this idea.
>>> The ffaudio-core part looks reasonable to me on the first sight. It
>>> could probably simplified a bit by requiring libav{codec,format}>= 53
>>> Cheers,
>>> Reinhard
>> Thanks for this quick review.
>> I will focus on making this patch working for debian squeeze and more
>> testing with this patch activated.
> see above wrt squeeze-backports.
> Cheers,
> Reinhard

Cyril "Davromaniak" Lavier

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