Help getting started -- trying to build csound package
Forrest Cahoon
forrest.cahoon at
Wed Jun 6 03:42:07 UTC 2012
Hi, I'm brand new, having just signed up to help with the csound package.
The first thing I'm trying to do is to use the git-buildpackage tools
to clone the repository and do a build. I'm getting the repository,
but the build fails rather quickly. Can anyone help me understand
what's going on here?
Here's my terminal session:
forrest at supercool:~/debian$ gbp-clone
Branch upstream set up to track remote branch upstream from origin.
Branch pristine-tar set up to track remote branch pristine-tar from origin.
forrest at supercool:~/debian$ cd csound/
forrest at supercool:~/debian/csound$ git-buildpackage
pyversions: missing X(S)-Python-Version in control file, fall back to
pyversions: missing debian/pyversions file, fall back to supported versions
test -x debian/rules
rmdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
rmdir: failed to remove `obj-x86_64-linux-gnu': No such file or directory
make: [cleanbuilddir] Error 1 (ignored)
rm -f debian/stamp-makefile-build debian/stamp-makefile-install
/usr/bin/make -C obj-x86_64-linux-gnu -k clean
make: *** obj-x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: [makefile-clean] Error 2 (ignored)
rm -rf obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
rm -f debian/copyright_newhints
rm -f debian/cdbs-install-list debian/cdbs-package-list
rm -rf "debian/upstream-cruft"
rm -f debian/stamp-upstream-cruft
for file in doc/latex/doxygen.sty; do \
[ ! -e $file.upstream ] || mv -v -f $file.upstream $file; \
for dir in ; do \
[ ! -e $dir.upstream ] || mv -v -f $dir.upstream $dir; \
rm -f debian/stamp-upstreamtmpstuff
rm -f build-arch-stamp build-indep-stamp manpages-stamp \
rm -f Custom.cmake
rm -rf doc/html
rm -f debian/cdbs-install-diff
rm -f debian/cdbs-reduced-install-list
rm -f debian/cdbs-reduced-package-list
fatal: Path '' does not exist in
pristine-tar: git show
refs/heads/ failed
gbp:error: Couldn't checkout "csound_5.17.6~dfsg.orig.tar.gz":
/usr/bin/pristine-tar returned 128
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