Help getting started -- trying to build csound package

Forrest Cahoon forrest.cahoon at
Sun Jun 10 03:15:43 UTC 2012

OK, I have a version locally committed to git which is working with
the new upstream sources. I have

* removed all 0xxx patches which have already been applied (some have
not, and don't seem to be in the HEAD of upstream's git repo, either;
that struck me as weird, but I left in all patches that would still

* added a 1xxx patch for a CMake file error, which I also posted to
the csound dev list (although I don't know if it will be applied)

* updated debian/rules to change the cmake flag -DBUILD_NEW_PARSER to
ON, as is now needed to compile.

* added a 2xxx patch to the root level CMakeLists.txt which adds
-DHAVE_LIBSNDFILE=1016 to the c flags.  The scons build has tests for
the libsndfile version which are missing altogether in the cmake
build. I couldn't figure out how to actually add the tests to the
cmake, but since even debian stable has a version higher than the
highest one the csound build looks for, I just added it as a
debian-specific patch. This fixes debian bug #676145 I had reported

The only thing that may yet need to be done is updating
debian/copyright. I don't know what if anything actually needs to be
done there. It doesn't look like there are any new files with non-free

So, what's next? Do I get to push my changes back to alioth? How do I do that?


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