team-wide uniform ~/.quiltrc

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Mon Jun 18 08:58:54 UTC 2012

Hi team,

in order to keep the differences between patches that are worked on by 
different people as small as possible, I propose to present a common 
~/.quiltrc file and recommend its usage on our 
DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging [0] wiki page.

As already suggested by Jonas in [1] I suppose to make the following 
~/.quiltrc content recommended but not mandatory for pkg-multimedia 
team members and publish it on [0]:

$ cat ~/.quiltrc
QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index"

I believe this is the most minimal and reasonable set of options that 
helps to avoid needless growing of the differences between patches 
that are maintained by more than just one person.

I welcome your comments, if noone objects I'd like to document this on 
[0] as soon as possible.

  - Fabian


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