Bug#658084: libav-extra: Really necessary?

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Mon Mar 19 09:25:07 UTC 2012

Am 19.03.2012 03:59, schrieb Andres Mejia:
> Though the build time is increased for libav, ultimately, this change
> would be better as the buildd network would not have to cope with
> building from two source packages (i.e. setting up and tearing down
> for libav and libav-extra for each architecture). Also, in my opinion,
> it is easier and less error prone to maintain a single libav package
> rather than two of them.

I generally agree with your proposal, although "easier and less 
error-prone" is in the eye of the beholder, of course. At least I am 
currently a bit lost in your proposed diff against debian/rules. ;)

In this context, please remove the libav-source binary package as 
well. It is of no further use (that I know of) if the libav-extra 
source package is removed. Also, please make sure that only the 
dynamic libraries are rebuilt for the extra packages, not the static 
one (don't know if it is already like this; as I said, the diff is a 
bit too much for me on a Monday morning ;) ).

  - Fabian

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