Bug#693040: libav: Strange build failure on several archs

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Mon Nov 12 18:42:32 UTC 2012

> Oh, and a third possibility: at the time of linking avconv (i.e. the
> command that fails) dependency of libavfilter/libavfilter.so to libavutil
> is resolved using a wrong library (not the one from /usr which is fine and
> not libavutil/libavutil.so which we assume to be fine).

In the compiler of one of my packages, I was once bitten by left-overs
from earlier builds, i.e. the builds were failing on SOME buidd and not
on others (in just one architecture). In that case the alternatives
system just gave me an older version of the compiler than the one that
was in the build-depends. So it might be interesting to think along
those lines.


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