Greetings In the name of God Almighty,

CHIOMA DAVID TOM ychiomadd at
Thu Nov 22 17:03:40 UTC 2012

Greetings In the name of God Almighty,
I am Mrs Chioma David born 20 August 1935, hailed from Cote D'Ivoire.I am suffering from Cancer and I am suffering very bitterly as I write you this message with help of a nurse in the  hospital. My doctor just informed me that my days are counted  considering my health status. My matrimonial situation is that I lost  my husband and Two kids in Motor accident on 25 December 2010, So I have neither a husband nor children now whom I can will my  heritage.
This is why I want a gracious way to help the less-privileged, widows, poor and the needy.
I wished to give you  this very heritage amounting the sum of (2.800.000.00 Dollas) Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars) for the Charity. I count on your  sincere willingness to employ this fund in a Godly manner. I will wait to get your news soon, accept my cordial salutations.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you more details regarding this great mission.

Remain blessed.
Mrs Chioma David

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