Handbrake repackaging

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Thu Oct 4 07:15:16 UTC 2012

Am 04.10.2012 06:32, schrieb Marc J. Driftmeyer:
> Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with Deb Multimedia as I personally
> could give a rat's behind about mkv and with aac/mpeg4 they work out
> just fine for my Mac world.  Any chance you could provide a non-free
> version? If not, then I only have one request:

No, it's currently impossible. The mp4v2 library currently used for 
MP4 demuxing is licensed under the MPL. Having it linked against 
GPL'ed code will make the resulting binary unredistributable.

The faac library currently used for AAC encoding is too non-free even 
for Debian's non-free. We already tried to get it into the archive.

> Please don't screw with the packaging priority so I have to reinstall
> Deb Multimedia by hand each time, instead of a simple apt-get upgrade.
> It's never wise to pee on your user base.

We don't screw with anything. It is just not of our priority to remain 
compatible with an external repository whose maintainer gives a fsck 
about remaining compatible with Debian in return.

> I imagine you will ignore this request and I'll have to just keep
> reinstalling it or I'll bug Christian Marillat to make sure there is a
> workaround.

Thanks for peeing on us in advance instead.

  - Fabian

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