Bug#667573: x264: 10 bit builds

Jonathan Rosser jonathan.rosser at rd.bbc.co.uk
Sat Oct 13 07:40:28 UTC 2012

On 13/10/12 04:59, Reinhard Tartler wrote:

> Oh I see what you did there. I don't think that's gonna work in
> debian. TBH, I think we should just install the 10 bit libx264.so
> binary into the regular libx264-NN package and document it properly
> in ./usr/share/doc/libx264-NN/README.Debian.
> On the second thought, we could even install some wrapper into
> /usr/bin that starts the passed on argument with proper
> In any case, I don't see the point in adding new source or binary
> packages.

Trouble is, when you do a 10 bit build you end up with a library of the
same name and installing to the same location as the 8 bit one.

I'm no expert on the debian packaging, but I could not see a way of
renaming the 10 bit .so (dh_install won't do it). There might well be a neat
way of achieving this.

You have to re-run the configure script with different options to create
the 10 bit version, and that's well beyond what I know how to do in the
rules file.


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