caps package sse optimalization

Alessandro Ghedini ghedo at
Wed Aug 28 21:50:42 UTC 2013

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 09:56:16PM +0200, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> Hi,
> can we build package which having SSE optimization enabled on some archs?
> Upstream of caps wishes that.

AFAICT, caps already enables SSE by default... that's why it currently FTBFS
everywhere except on (kfreebsd-)amd64 [0]. This seems to be fixed in the new
upstream release (currently in git) though, which includes the "#ifdef __SSE__"

So IMO there's no need for you to do anything, since SSE already gets enabled
only where it's supported (in the upstream version currently in git).



perl -E '$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'
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