Bug#698300: octave matrix multiply grief

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at laboissiere.net
Fri Feb 1 10:55:33 UTC 2013

* Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com> [2013-02-01 10:45]:
> That's really interesting, but why is all this sent to #698300: 
> "[smplayer] new version(s) available"?

The bug reporter made a typo in his first message.  This regards 
Bug#699300, filed by himself against the octave3.2 package.  I have not 
realized the wrong address and I apologize for the noise.

I am sending this message to Bug#698300, just for the record.  I hope 
this will be the last one.

@Bill: Please, mind your Cc field!



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