Bug#699328: libavutil51: relocation error after upgrade

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Mon Feb 4 13:17:28 UTC 2013

Am 04.02.2013 11:44, schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> Those affected use other suites than "stable" so should be prepared for
> "bumps on the road".

But nothing prevents us from smoothening the bumps.

> Yes, it might make sense to add (temporary, dropped few weeks or months
> later) package relationship hints, but there is a real burden of doing
> so - both for maintenance and to the buildds.

I'd consider the maintenance burden minimal, as this specific 
relationship will never become wrong. So even if it gets forgotten in 
debian/control, it will never hurt.

I am not going to upload a new package revision for this single 
change, so I don't see the burden for buildds that you mention, either.

  - Fabian

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