Bug#699393: gnome-mplayer: starts with zero height canvas instead of normal (1:1) size
Francesco Poli
invernomuto at paranoici.org
Fri Feb 8 22:20:12 UTC 2013
Control: tags -1 - moreinfo
On Mon, 4 Feb 2013 01:08:49 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> On 2013-02-03 21:43:10, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > So let me ask you some questions: does this also happen with mplayer2?
Yes, it does.
I've just reproduced the issue with mplayer2.
> > Is there anything special about your windows manager and/or desktop
> > environment?
It's a fairly simple FluxBox desktop, described here:
I haven't set any fixed dimensions for gnome-mplayer windows through
the FluxBox apps configuration settings:
$ grep -i player ~/.fluxbox/apps
returns no output.
> And while we're at it: could you also check if you're affacted by [1]?
> Regards
> [1] https://code.google.com/p/gnome-mplayer/issues/detail?id=657
This issue seems to be similar, but not identical.
The user who reported it says that the initial window size is
"completely random".
On the other hand, I see either a zero-height initial canvas, or a
correctly-sized one, depending on the video I choose to play, it seems.
Mmmh, I've just rechecked four different videos: it seems to me that,
with mplayer2, the initial canvas is basically always a zero-height one.
Please note that I have the "Remember Window Size and Position" setting
unchecked in gnome-mplayer preferences.
I hope this additional information may help to pinpoint the problem.
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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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