Bug#699695: gnome-mplayer: should read and use any mplayer configuration file

Francesco Poli invernomuto at paranoici.org
Sat Feb 9 18:31:28 UTC 2013

On Sat, 9 Feb 2013 18:34:53 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> On 2013-02-09 12:11:45, Francesco Poli wrote:
> >  A) it can only be enabled if "MPlayer Software Volume Control Enabled"
> > is checked (and I have no idea what this other option means... could
> > you please clarify? the man page does explain much)
> This option corresponds to mplayer's --softvol flag:
>     --softvol
>               Force the use of the software mixer, instead of using the
>               sound card mixer

Thanks for the explanation: it's a little bit clearer now, even though
I am not sure I fully understand its implications.
For instance: I use the jack AO, hence I think that everything gets
mixed by jackd before being sent to the sound card, and I don't know
how mplayer or gnome-mplayer can interfere with this...

Oh well, I am probably too ignorant about audio processing!   :-(
I even failed to configure my system so that I could capture an
external audio input (see #523925, #536705, #578309, if you're

> > There is a "--volume" command-line option that lets me set an initial
> > volume level (in percentage). Hence, if I issue the following command:
> > 
> >   $ gnome-mplayer --volume 20 some-video.ogv
> > 
> > I get whatever initial volume I want, but:
> > 
> >  A) I have to type this command-line option each time
> > 
> >  B) I do not know how to pass this command-line option to gnome-mplayer
> > when it is used inside my web browser (gecko-mediaplayer plug-in)
> Let's create a new bug for this. Cloned and forwarded.


Please let me know how the discussion with upstream develops, since I
am having a hard time in understanding their replies (this is not the
first time, it seems).

 New GnuPG key, see the transition document!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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