Bug#700702: timemachine: Typo's in description

Justin B Rye justin.byam.rye at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 13:39:16 UTC 2013

Chris Bannister wrote:
> The short description:
> "JACK audio recorder for spontaneous and conservatory use"
> Should that really be "conservatory"? Even if it is supposed to be
> "conservative", it still seems a bit odd.

I can't see anything like it in the upstream docs.  If it didn't go on
to imply that the recordings were of music I might have guessed it was
a malapropism for "conversational", but presumably it's an attempt to
find an adjective meaning "recording".  Since it's failing to
communicate anything that isn't expressed by the word "recorder",
which is already there in the synopsis anyway, I would suggest just
throwing out the "and conservatory".

(Or maybe "JACK plugin for spontaneous audio capture"?  But that's not
what's in my patch.)
> In the long description:
> "Timemachine writes the last 10 seconds of audio _before_ the button
> press  and everything from now on up to the next button press into a WAV-file."
> I suggest replace  "... from now on up ..." with "... from then on up ..."

Agreed.  While we're editing the line I would also say "WAV file".
> Instead of "... when you heard an interesting noise ..." I suggest"
> "... when you hear an interesting noise ..."

And (though less certainly) s/you'd press record/you press record/.

If this was trying to be formal English I would complain about the
"try and recreate it", but no, this is clearly just a normal
conversational register.
> And finally in the final paragraph, instead of "... lets audio
> application communicate with ..." I suggest "... lets audio applications
> communicate with ..."

Agreed - patch attached.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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