Bug#699695: gnome-mplayer: should read and use any mplayer configuration file

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Thu Feb 21 16:28:06 UTC 2013


On 2013-02-20 23:04:06, Francesco Poli wrote:
> Hello again,
> since I am not satisfied with the "workaround" suggested by upstream
> and mentioned in <http://bugs.debian.org/700189#64>, I am trying to see
> whether I can come up with a patch that makes gnome-mplayer avoid
> passing the "-volume" option to mplayer in certain situations.
> When I saw the "use_volume_option" variable in src/main.c:1309,
> I thought I found the way to do it: it seemed that setting that
> variable to FALSE could disable the use of the "-volume" option in the
> mplayer command line.
> I tried to modify the src/main.c accordingly, but it seems to me that
> the "use_volume_option" variable has no effect at all.
> It is indeed 0 (checked with gdb), but the mplayer command line still
> includes the "-volume" option...
> Before this issue drives me completely crazy, could you please clarify
> what's wrong in my reasoning?
> Is the "use_volume_option" variable actually used for anything?
> Is there an easy way to disable the passing of the "-volume" option to
> mplayer (without a major code overhaul)?

The options passed to mplayer are assembled in gmtk. The function you're
looking for is launch_mplayer in src/gmtk_media_player.c. Just grep for
"-volume" in that file.

(I'm not sure if it's enough to just patch out "-volume". There is some
interaction between the volume control widget and mplayer too.)

Hope that helps
Sebastian Ramacher
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