Bug#697778: Please install vlc ctypes python bindings vlc.py

Benjamin Drung bdrung at debian.org
Thu Jan 10 15:45:38 UTC 2013

Am Mittwoch, den 09.01.2013, 16:59 +0100 schrieb Alexandre Rossi:
> Upstream provides python bindings for liblvc. It would be nice to have
> them provided with the library.
> http://wiki.videolan.org/Python_bindings
> Not sur in which binary package though.
> Feel free to reassign or provide guidelines of what's needed for this.

The Python binding is not part of the vlc source tarball. I think it
makes sense to put the Python binding in a separate source tarball
instead of adding it to the vlc source tarball. If upstream agrees, you
can change this bug into a RFP or ITP bug.

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer

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