Bug#713915: jackd2: no longer starts

Jamie Heilman jamie at audible.transient.net
Sun Jun 23 23:08:41 UTC 2013

OK, probably related to commit cb88917543e23aa1a5365d131eac8ac6bcbfb975

Now, I don't remember having ever *explicitly* set the capture and
playback ALSA driver params and I've been running the same config for
some years, with the last change made back in December and that was
just switching to shaped dithering.  If I unset those params, then
things work fine again.  I have to wonder if older versions of
jack2 serialized its config options differently and that's how I got
   <option name="capture">1</option>
   <option name="playback">1</option>
in my conf.xml ... if so, I probably won't be the only person who sees
this issue pop up.

Jamie Heilman                     http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/

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