Bug report on pd-readanysf: readanysf~.pd_linux crashes with exit status 139

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Jun 28 06:52:29 UTC 2013

hi fellow multimedia team,

On 06/26/13 19:48, Alexandre Rebert wrote:
> Hi,
> We found a crash in readanysf~.pd_linux contained in the pd-readanysf package. You are being
> contacted because your are listed as one of the maintainer of pd-readanysf.

the listed bug (and a number of related bugs in various older
pd-packages) has been triggered because the "readanysf~.pd_linux" is not
an executable but to be opened via dlopen() - but unfortunately the
binary file has the execution bit set.

the problem has been fixed in cdbs-0.4.93, but since the package never
got rebuild it still had the erroneous permission.

anyhow, there has been a new upstream (which only incorporated the
debian-patches, so i never really bothered to update the package), and i
took the chance to update the package, thus triggering a rebuild with
the current cdbs, fixing the problem.

it would be great if somebody with upload permissions could review the
package and upload it to unstable:

> git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/pd-readanysf

things to know:
- i've updated debian/changelog, but the target release is still UNRELEASED
- the package uses cdbs
- the package builds in a clean pbuilder environment (sid)


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