Bug#725225: Can not detect BPM or beat

Takeshi Soejima sohet at mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
Fri Oct 4 12:24:28 UTC 2013

Thank you for a quick reply!

"Matteo F. Vescovi" <mfv.debian at gmail.com> writes:

> http://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/troubleshooting#the_bpm_detection_is_wrong 
> Any similarity?

Not a wrong detection as written, but completely no detection.

On my wheezy machine, I have installed the package for ubuntu from the
official mixxx site (1.11.0-bzr3863-ppa1~oneiric1), and works fine.

So I compare it and this sid package (1.11.0~dfsg-1), then notice
missing libraries. Coping the plugin from my wheezy to sid


and installing the package 


then the mixxx can detect BPM and beat.

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