RFS: polyphone (soundfont editor)

Davy Triponney davy.triponney at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 09:28:20 UTC 2014

Dear maintainers,

It's been quite some time that I want to make Polyphone available in the
Debian repositories.

Polyphone is a soundfont editor like Swami and have these features:
 - support for sf2 files, version 2.01 and 2.04,
 - emphasis on ergonomics,
 - support for sfArk files (versions 2 and 1 also),
 - support for sfz files,
 - tools to automate instrument and preset settings (allow huge files to be
easily handled),
 - available for Windows and Mac OS X.

More information about this software can be found here:

I am the author of this software and the package should be ready:

Polyphone is an alternative to Swami, that is why I am also sending this
email directly to Jaromir Mikes who is the maintainer of Swami.

Best regards,
Davy Triponney
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