Bug#293454: qjackctl: Display does not resize with font

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Mon Dec 1 16:05:32 UTC 2014

On 12/01/2014 01:00 PM, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> 2014-11-30 16:07 GMT+01:00 Lukas F. Hartmann <lukas at mnt.mn
> <mailto:lukas at mnt.mn>>:
> Hello Lukas,
>     Dear Maintainer,
>     This bug is especially obvious on high resolution displays. Also,
>     the buttons
>     do not resize vertically, only horizontally, which leads to a
>     cramped UI with
>     bigger font sizes.
>     I attached a patch to fix these problems. The patch also removes the
>     manual
>     indentation of the left-aligned status labels in the main status
>     display and
>     rather increases the overall margin of the status display.
>     The interface is now fully scalable and looks good when disabling
>     the "shiny
>     background" bitmap option. I would recommend to drop this bitmap and
>     its toggle
>     option to reduce code and settings complexity for a feature that
>     does not
>     (IMHO) increase end user value.
> Thank you for the patch, I am forwarding it upstream.
> Maybe Rui also have some idea how to improve "shiny background" to be
> scalable too.

well, it wasn't ever supposed to scale as to grow in screen space that is.

from the cradle, it was designed to stayy as is, as *low profile* as 
much as it's possible.

tbh. once you get those settings "au point", or "al dente", whatever 
semantics better suits you, the least you get qjackctl pesking your 
screen estate the better :)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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