Bug#771042: Acknowledgement (blender: Blender crashes while rendering with cycles)

Tom Guder kontakt at ib-guder.de
Mon Dec 1 20:18:40 UTC 2014

Here is a file, which lets blender crash after a few pictures when 
rendering an animation. Just clicking on the animation button brings 
this message (complete output):

connect failed: No such file or directory
Read new prefs: /home/tom/.config/blender/2.72/config/userpref.blend
read blend: /home/tom/Desktop/crash.blend
Saved: /tmp/0001.png Time: 00:00.06 (Saving: 00:00.00)

Saved: /tmp/0002.png Time: 00:00.05 (Saving: 00:00.00)

Saved: /tmp/0003.png Time: 00:00.05 (Saving: 00:00.00)

Saved: /tmp/0004.png Time: 00:00.05 (Saving: 00:00.00)

Saved: /tmp/0005.png Time: 00:00.06 (Saving: 00:00.00)

Saved: /tmp/0006.png Time: 00:00.06 (Saving: 00:00.00)

void ccl::Stats::mem_free(size_t): Assertion `mem_used >= size' failed.

Best Regards
Tom Guder
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Name: crash.blend
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