Bug#771126: Bug#771191: Bug#771126: libav/tests/lena.pnm: also not mentioned in debian/copyright

Bastien ROUCARIES roucaries.bastien at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 22:29:23 UTC 2014

Le 2 déc. 2014 14:15, "Reinhard Tartler" <siretart at gmail.com> a écrit :
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net> wrote:
> > Control: tags -1 -wheezy-ignore
> >
> > On 2014-11-27 23:23, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> >> Quoting Niels Thykier (2014-11-27 22:14:25)
> >>> [...]
> >>
> >> In prior similar bugreport <https://bugs.debian.org/760171#10> -
> >> referenced from <https://bugs.debian.org/771191#10> - distribution is
> >> documented as permitted only "for research and education" which I
> >> interpret as unacceptable for Debian.
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >>  - Jonas
> >>
> FTR, this whole business feel incredibly silly. lena.pnm  has become
> the *de-facto* standard image for every CS student to do his graphics
> courses homework on, and is generally considered to public domain,

And offencive (sexist) for 50% of the population the women...

> even without proper documentation. The copyright holder is going to
> have a very hard time enforcing his right if he wanted to prevent
> distribution of the image, in particular the low-quality scan that is
> being used in the Libav source package. Also, even according to
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lenna.png#Licensing, the holder is
> not interested in that to begin with. - I mean, really, don't we have
> more important things to do?
> Nevertheless, lena.pnm lacks proper licensing and some argue it
> violates the DFSG, so I've taken the effort (and ridicule!) to replace
> lena.pnm upstream with a new image reference.pnm, which I have
> personally taken this summer and upon Jonas' suggestion provide it
> under the expat license. This required to update all test reference
> patterns, which took  most of the effort and is basically not
> verifiable.
> Jonas, would you mind taking over from here and upload
> https://libav.org/releases/libav-11.1.tar.xz
> to unstable?
> Otherwise I can see if I can get to that this weekend.
> Regarding stable: I've backported this change back to release/0.8
> upstream. In the past, the security team has accepted libav point
> releases in wheezy-security, and I trust that this is also an
> acceptable change. It will be part of the next upload to
> stable-security. (this may take some more weeks, as libav has been
> notified about a couple of more CVEs, which need to be tested, fixed
> and verified, which is incredibly laborsome to do correctly).
> Does this plan work for everyone?
> --
> regards,
>     Reinhard
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