Bug#772568: libsoxr: FTBFS on several architectures

Edmund Grimley Evans edmund.grimley.evans at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 17:03:52 UTC 2014

Source: libsoxr
Version: 0.1.1-1

I reported this to debian-arm a while ago:


I'm now reporting it as a bug because I have seen the same failure in
a fresh chroot on amd64. The last part of the log is:

The following tests FAILED:
      1 - 20-bit-perfect-44100-96000 (Failed)
      2 - 20-bit-perfect-96000-44100 (Failed)
      3 - 20-bit-perfect-44100-65537 (Failed)
      4 - 20-bit-perfect-65537-44100 (Failed)
      5 - 24-bit-perfect-44100-96000 (Failed)
      6 - 24-bit-perfect-96000-44100 (Failed)
      7 - 24-bit-perfect-44100-65537 (Failed)
      8 - 24-bit-perfect-65537-44100 (Failed)

As you can see, it worked on the arm64 and ppc64el buildds 107 days ago:


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