Bug#767120: it's mate desktop

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Tue Dec 9 20:16:02 UTC 2014

Control: reassign -1 mate-screensaver
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-screensaver/issues/57

On 2014-12-10 00:49:05, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> Thank you for taking the time out and trying to get the bottom of
> this. i'm using mate desktop and don't think I'm using any custom
> config here.
> It seems I have to use the mate power manager sleep inhibit applet but
> even using that does not get it right. It seems there is some issue
> with mate power manager inhibit applet itself which they are not able
> to work it out (as of yet).
> Looking forward to see if you can help in this matter.

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you here. This looks a lot like
mate-screensaver bug and needs to be addressed in mate upstream (see
the mentioned upstream issue). Once mate supports the required DBus
interfaces, this will just work.

Re-assigning to mate-screensaver.

Sebastian Ramacher
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